Package-level declarations


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data class EndpointInfo(val summary: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val deprecated: Boolean? = null) : OperationModule, RouteOpenAPIModule
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abstract class OpenAPIRoute<T : OpenAPIRoute<T>>(val ktorRoute: Route, val provider: CachingModuleProvider)
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data class StatusCode(val code: HttpStatusCode) : StatusProvider, RouteOpenAPIModule
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data class ThrowsInfo(val exceptions: List<APIException<*, *>>) : ThrowInfoProvider


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val OpenAPIRoute<*>.application: Application


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fun Application.apiRouting(config: NormalOpenAPIRoute.() -> Unit)

Wrapper for io.ktor.routing.routing to create the endpoints while configuring OpenAPI documentation at the same time.

fun Route.apiRouting(config: NormalOpenAPIRoute.() -> Unit)

Wrapper for io.ktor.server.routing.routing to create the endpoints while configuring OpenAPI documentation at the same time.

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inline fun OpenAPIRoute<*>.exitAPI(crossinline fn: Route.() -> Unit)
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fun info(summary: String? = null, description: String? = null, deprecated: Boolean? = null): EndpointInfo

Adds a summary, description and deprecation flag for the endpoint being configured

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fun makeExceptionHandler(info: Array<out APIException<*, *>>): suspend PipelineContext<*, PipelineCall>.(t: Throwable) -> Unit
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fun <TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.method(method: HttpMethod): TRoute

inline fun <TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.method(method: HttpMethod, crossinline fn: TRoute.() -> Unit)

Creates a new route matching the specified method

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inline fun <TParams : Any, TResponse : Any, TRequest : Any, TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.preHandle(exampleResponse: TResponse? = null, exampleRequest: TRequest? = null, noinline handle: TRoute.() -> Unit)
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inline fun <TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.provider(vararg content: ContentTypeProvider, crossinline fn: TRoute.() -> Unit)

Creates a new route matching the specified content

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Success response status code of the endpoint will be derived from the @Response annotation

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inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>> T.responseAnnotationStatus(crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit)

Success response status code of the endpoints defined in the block will be derived from the @Response annotation

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fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>> T.route(path: String): T

inline fun <TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.route(path: String, crossinline fn: TRoute.() -> Unit)

Creates a new route matching the specified path

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fun status(code: HttpStatusCode): StatusCode
fun status(code: Int): StatusCode

Sets the success response status code of the endpoint

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inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>> T.status(code: HttpStatusCode, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit)
inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>> T.status(code: Int, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit)

Sets the success response status code of the endpoints defined in the block

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Applies a tag to all children of this route. Parameter tag should be an enum that inherits from APITag, check APITag description for an explanation.

inline fun <TRoute : OpenAPIRoute<TRoute>> TRoute.tag(tag: APITag, crossinline fn: TRoute.() -> Unit)

This method assigns an OpenAPI tag too all child routes defined inside fn. Parameter tag should be an enum that inherits from APITag, check APITag description for an explanation.

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fun tags(vararg tags: APITag): TagModule
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inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>, EX : Throwable> T.throws(status: HttpStatusCode, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit = {}): T
inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>> T.throws(vararg responses: APIException<*, *>, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit = {}): T
inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>, EX : Throwable, B> T.throws(status: HttpStatusCode, example: B? = null, noinline gen: (EX) -> B? = null, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit = {}): T

inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>, EX : Throwable> T.throws(status: HttpStatusCode, exClass: KClass<EX>, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit = {}): T
inline fun <T : OpenAPIRoute<T>, EX : Throwable, B> T.throws(status: HttpStatusCode, example: B? = null, exClass: KClass<EX>, crossinline fn: T.() -> Unit = {}): T

exists for simpler syntax